Tuesday 19 March 2013

The beginning of something...

This evening I started the ball rolling on what I hope will be a worthwhile exercise and a useful forum for many!  In the short time that I have been on this road I have realized that although we all know a couple people who are in the same boat as us -  there isn’t really a community to go to when it comes to support and advice.  (Maybe there is and this will lead me to them – so be it!)

I have also researched and observed different reactions to cross cultural adoptions and I want very badly for the children to feel like they are not alone. I want them to feel like part of a very special group of kids who’s families are a little different in some obvious ways but the really the same under the surface.  I want to normalize things in the minds of the children and I want them to be able to relate to one another freely.

The other beneficial aspect would be as far as parenting is concerned – there is always so much to share and learn from one another!  Perhaps this will start as an online forum and lead to regular meetings and play dates – who knows?  I would like it to evolve naturally and hope for lots of input!

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